So about three years ago, we at the Astros were challenged to find the Flying Wallendas and to bring them to Minute Maid Park. I didn't know what a Wallenda was nor why it was that they flew. I won't exactly go into the circumstances as to why we needed them, but suffice to say, I needed to find them.

The most interesting part about the event though was talking to Tino and his two kids. The Wallendas' act dates back to the 1780's in Bavaria. Since then they have been traveling the world, performing in some form ever since then including decades in the Ringing Bros. Circus here in America.
The two Wallenda kids, were both in high school and were facing the decision on whether to follow in the family footsteps and continue the great tradition of the seven-man pyramid (see below) or go to college and get a "normal" job. They said it was great to be a part of such a long heritage but were really longing for a regular life.
Here's where it got fun - they said, "I mean even our neighborhood in Sarasota, it's filled with carney-folk." What? A neighborhood of circus people? "Yes" they answered, "our next-door neighbor is a trapeeze artist and our back yard neighbor eats fire."
Holy smokes. Why wouldn't you want to be a part of that?

I wonder if the Circo Garcia that is in the Fiesta Food Mart parking lot winters in Sarasota - probably not.
Side note - I checked out the Circo site and they have something called The Mighty King of the Jungle, which is described as...
"The Garcia family present their own creation/version of Beauty Meets the Beast. The Beast, meaning a 40 foot robotic gorilla that has capabilities of walking up to the circus ring and befriends a beautiful young girl. Their friendship does not last long, for unfortunately the evil doers do not see this gentle giant in the loving way that she does. To the viewers delight, this king of the jungle fights
through an incredible adventure seen right before their eyes and lives
forever through the loving strength of his new found friend. "

forever through the loving strength of his new found friend. "
No lie...
I learned something new today, and it was awesome!
Very interesting.