A spare thought...

British Knights - not the royal guard but you know, BKs? I'm talking shoes people, do you remember them? They became popular in the late 80s - early 90s I was probably in the 6th grade or so. They were the must-have shoe. MC Hammer wore them in the U Can't Touch This video...not that I was allowed to watch the video, but Hammer wore them. They have a little metal diamond stud up near the laces that said "BK" - those were some fly kicks yo!
Anyway, I was wondering today, what ever happened to BKs? Well, I checked out wikipedia for the answer...first off, not only did Hammer promote these (he was paid $138 million to endorse these), but the biggest push to the kids was through Nickelodeon kids game shows like Double Dare and Hidden Temple - they were
always in the prize packs the kids recieved for being on the shows...everyone wanted to get slimed by Marc Summers and win some BKs.

When I say everyone wanted them, everyone wanted them...including the Crips gang. "BK" began to stand for "Blood Killer" in reference to their rival "Bloods" gang. Schools were very much in a public battle to rid the schools of gangs and so any references used by gangs, including the much-beloved BKs were banned from schools. Talk about a brand-killer...
In hinesight, maybe it was kind of stupid to want a shoe that is described on wiki as having "a chunky sole design, large tongue and inclusion of multiple "BK" logos on the heel, toe guard and upper."
I thought they were rad...
That's what I learned.
Okay, Baby, I can't remember. Did I ever buy you any of these? I sure hope so!