Sunday, August 23, 2009
Europe Trip Blog
Melissa and I leave for Belgium today! Check out our trip blog here:
Thursday, August 13, 2009
British Knights

Friday, August 7, 2009
Viscoelastic Liquid = Silly Putty

When rolled into a ball, it bounces really well - perhaps it's best known for kids pressing it down over their favorite comic-strip and the art transfers onto the putty. Except for now in modern times, more and more printers are using soy-based ink as opposed to petroleum inks and they don't transfer as well anymore. Hmm. Also, it dissolves in alcohol. Hmm.
That's all I've got, except for this very interesting picture of some putty slowing "flowing through a hole on a glass table."

That's what I learned today (for extra credit, you can read the scientific details below)!
Here is a scientific explanation of Silly Putty:
"It acts primarily as a viscous liquid, though it can have properties of an elastic solid, too. Silly Putty is primarily polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). There are covalent bonds within the polymer, but hydrogen bonds between the molecules. The hydrogen bonds can be readily broken. When small amounts of stress are slowly applied to the putty, only a few of the bonds are broken. Under these condition, the putty flows. When more stress is applied quickly, many bonds are broken, causing the putty to tear.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
I think I could have taken him...

178-200 lb Heavyweight
165-178 lb Light heavyweight
155-165 lb Middleweight
141-155 lb Welterweight
132 - 141 lb Light Welterweight
125 - 132 lb Lightweight
119-125 lb Featherweight
112 - 119 lb Bantamweight
106 - 112 lb Flyweight
Under 106 lb Light flyweight
I know the first thing you did was check what your weight class is...right?

The term "ring" comes from the original practice of having a circle of spectators form a ring around the two contestants. Often a rope would be held by the crowd to designate the area the fighters would have to move around. There weren't even stools, since the fights were usually outdoors and in isolated areas, so one of the fighter's supporters, called a "second", would kneel with one knee on the ground and the other up to form a seat for the resting fighter between rounds. Also, since boxing was illegal almost everywhere in its early days, if the "proper authorities" dropped in uninvited, the spectators simply dropped the rope and ran in every direction. The police might round up a few of the slow footed, but all the promoters would be out would be the cost of a rope.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sarasota, FL = Carnyville
So about three years ago, we at the Astros were challenged to find the Flying Wallendas and to bring them to Minute Maid Park. I didn't know what a Wallenda was nor why it was that they flew. I won't exactly go into the circumstances as to why we needed them, but suffice to say, I needed to find them.

The most interesting part about the event though was talking to Tino and his two kids. The Wallendas' act dates back to the 1780's in Bavaria. Since then they have been traveling the world, performing in some form ever since then including decades in the Ringing Bros. Circus here in America.
The two Wallenda kids, were both in high school and were facing the decision on whether to follow in the family footsteps and continue the great tradition of the seven-man pyramid (see below) or go to college and get a "normal" job. They said it was great to be a part of such a long heritage but were really longing for a regular life.
Here's where it got fun - they said, "I mean even our neighborhood in Sarasota, it's filled with carney-folk." What? A neighborhood of circus people? "Yes" they answered, "our next-door neighbor is a trapeeze artist and our back yard neighbor eats fire."
Holy smokes. Why wouldn't you want to be a part of that?

forever through the loving strength of his new found friend. "
I learned something new today, and it was awesome!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Brotherly Love, Quaker Oats & Willy Wonka

three-course dinner" gum and subsequently turns into a blueberry.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Presidential Physical Fitness Test

V-Sit Reach…which I thought was incredibly unfair because guys aren’t flexible…this is the one where you sit down with your legs out in front of you making a

Clint, The Bugle
Another thing I find interesting is reading about random things. Not long novels or books, I have too short of an attention span, but short articles that give the basics of the topic. I guess you can say my knowledge base is wide, but shallow. :)
So, onto this blog thing, the whole point is to let you in to my mind and the tidbits I dig up. Nothing is going to be something particularly groundbreaking or something you can’t find out on Wikipedia (in fact a lot of times, that’s my source – so if it’s wrong, oh well). So, here goes the journey to be able to say “I Learned Something New Everyday.”